
Strategic Vision

Lagan Valley Regional Park 10 Year Strategic Vision (pdf, 3.7Mb)

This document sets out our Strategic goals and objectives over the course of the next ten years and is the framework upon which the management plan is based

Management Plan

5 Year Management Plan 2023-2028 (pdf, 3.9Mb)

Progress gauge (PPoint, 1.3Mb)

User Survey

Lagan Valley Regional Park - User Survey 2022 (PDF, 3.0Mb)

This user survey was undertaken by Lagan Valley Regional Park in order to understand our visitors, their views and perceptions.

Annual Reports

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2023/24 (pdf, 1.8MB)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2022/23 (pdf, 1.6MB)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2021/22 (pdf, 1.0MB)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2020/21 (pdf, 1.0MB)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2019/20 (pdf, 1.0MB)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2018/19 (pdf, 1.2Mb)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2017/18 (pdf, 4.5Mb)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2016/17 (pdf, 4.3Mb)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2015/16 (pdf 4.6Mb)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2014/15 (pdf, 3.9Mb)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2013/14 (pdf, 12.3Mb)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2012/13 (pdf, 18Mb)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2011/12 (pdf, 7.54Mb)

Lagan Valley Regional Park Annual Report 2010/11 (pdf, 1.97Mb)

Towpath Health and Well Being Study

The Lagan Towpath: health & wellbeing in a blue-way? (pdf 10Mb)

LMC Consultants

SUR811 Research Design & Regeneration Project

Events Programme

Lagan Valley Regional Park Events Programme (pdf, 8.0Mb)

Lagan Towpath

Towpath Leaflet (pdf, 0.7Mb)

Built Heritage

Heritage Audit (pdf, 0.1Mb)

Heritage Inventory (pdf, 0.1Mb)

Memorandum and Articles of Association

Lagan Valley Regional Park Ltd - Memorandum of Association (pdf, 37Kb)

The Memorandum of Association sets out the objects of the company and the powers of the company may be exercised to meet these objects

Lagan Valley Regional Park Ltd - Articles of Association (pdf, 90Kb)

The Articles of Association state when meetings of the company will be held and proceedings of the meetings. They also state the voting rights of members, number of directors and the make up of the board. The Articles also include the procedures for appointing and retirement of members and directors

Terms of Reference

The terms of reference for Lagan Valley Regional Park (docx, 1.4Mb) sets out how our organisation works, our aims, structures and policies

Governance Health Check

Governance health check carried out in 2012 (docx, 78Kb)

Governance health check carried out in 2021 (docx, 80kb)

Board Recruitment

Application Form (pdf, 0.9Mb)

Funding Workshop

Summary notes from the workshop held in 2015 (docx, 108K)b

Other Documents

Assesing population abundance and distribution of terrestrial small mammals throughout Lagan Valley Regional Park 2019 Stephanie Bevan (PDF, 2.7Mb)

Lagan Valley Regional Park -User Survey 2017 Report (PDF, 8.4Mb)

This user survey was undertaken by Lagan Valley Regional Park in order to understand our visitors, their views and perceptions.

Lagan Valley Planning Project - work based study 2020 (PDF, 16.8Mb)

Note: Document is pp133

Lagan Valley Regional Park - Countryside Recreational Strategy, 2005 (PDF, 589Kb)

This document sets out a Countryside Recreation Strategy for Lagan Valley Regional Park. It outlines the current position for a range of activites which take place throughout the Regional Park. This report has been commissioned by LVRP in association with the Countryside Access & Activities Network (CAAN).